Saturday, July 19, 2014

Week two... the irony still exists.

Week two is gone. I don't have a lot of time, between moving and weddings and what not so this will be quick. Something I have discovered so far is the necessity to budget time for things that are important to you. Within the first week, I have found myself spending much more time looking through online news and playing a stupid number game on my phone. As was my assumption, it's not that social media is bad, it's just what I was filling my dead space with because I didn't have it budgeted for anything. Much like my time with God, when life isn't exactly what I expect, I make excuses for why I can't. This week has been "I'm working hard and just need to relax a bit" or "I"m stressed with moving and just need to chill." These inevitably turn into me doing nothing useful with my time. 

On a positive note, I have practiced my banjo more and read more. But mainly in the first few days. As soon as life took a slight curve, I took a slight break and then stopped. It can't just be an idea, it has to be a line in the sand. 

I was recently talking to my brother about this. He said that him and a co-worker are going on a smartphone fast. For maybe a few months or longer. The idea was to stop wasting time. There is also a lot of trouble you can get yourself into with smart devices. I think this is a great idea, don't get my wrong. However, the more I thought about it, the more I felt like you would simply find something else to waste time on. Unless we are intentional and decide that we are going to do x y or z, we will simply do nothing. I may be way off, or maybe its just my personality type. I think we need to evaluate it though. I am toying with the idea of journaling (not on here) my time each day for a week. Not to shame myself, but so that I become more conscience of my time. 

Recently I have been reading through Revelations. It can be a confusing and terrifying book to read. What I have gotten out of it, however, is that at some point this world will come to an end. I can't keep putting off kingdom work because I have my "own crap" to deal with. I need to be doing something to glorify God. I don't know how much time I have left and I don't want to be caught with my metaphorical spiritual pants down. I'm pretty sure social media, the news, 2048, or the other things I waste my time with are helping that. 

Quick disclaimer. I'm not saying you shouldn't watch movies or play video games or be on social media. I just challenge you to look at where a majority of your time is spent an evaluate what that is doing for you and for God. 

Ok, I gotta get ready for a wedding but I love you guys. I appreciate your time on this "quick" post. Questions comments concerns, post or email me Please send any prayer requests as well. And don't forget, it's never to late to start something new.


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