Thursday, January 2, 2014

I am HIGHLY underqualified...

 Earlier this week, God put something on my heart while I was at work. God is not looking for the right man for the job, He is simply looking for the willing man for the job. I thought about this for a while before I started to wrap my head around it. It was good enough to tweet, but what did it really mean for me? What was God trying to tell me. After a while, it began to crystallize in my head. But first, like usual, we need some background.

So as I have grown in my walk with Christ, I have heard a lot about how life is about God preparing us for where we are going. I can attest to this. Often God has pushed me to be patient because of the need for patience in something bigger. Or showed me where I am finding my ID because I will reach a point I must choose where to find it. I do believe things in our life are preparing us and we must grow.

,Several years back, I felt as though God said, I want to use you in ministry somewhere, but you're not ready. I took that to mean that He has some stuff for me first before I am there. I have gotten so caught up in that, that I keep waiting for me to be "ready". In doing so I have passed on opportunities because of it. I know I am lacking in areas. There is no way God wants me in ministry x because I still have so much crap to deal with. I just sinned, I obviously can't be used. Then God told me, you don't have to be ready, just willing. I have been holding back because I deemed myself unworthy to participate in God's plan. I realized two things about this statement. 

Number one, is that me believing my failures are holding me back are nother more that lies from Satan. How often I have believed him when he has berated me for sin, or held it over my head. Once I am forgiven by Christ, He sees it no more. Yet Satan would lead me to believe that it is now within my identity to be that kind of sinner. When there is an opportunity to serve, Satan reminds me of my sins and faults. But there is an even better part I realized.

The biggest reason God is looking for the willing man vs. the "right" man is that he wants to provide. The best part about being willing to allow God to use you, is that He is glorified. In our weakness, He is strong. When we wait until we are the right man for something, we are relying on ourselves to be able to. We are seeking what we can do to succeed. When we are simply willing, we must rely on God. He must be the one who is moving. We lose ourselves and seek Him alone. That is the beauty of being the willing man for a job we feel unqualified for. Not only must we seek God, but we get to see Him glorified. It's a good thing to, because I'm not sure I'd ever have been ready or able to otherwise. 

As a small disclaimer, this doesn't mean that God doesn't want to use you in places you excel or when you are the right man for the job, it simply means to be willing to follow His call even into an uncomfortable place or outside your box. Often, this is where we can see God move the most. Questions, comments, concerns, please feel free to comment here, or email me at Feel free to send any prayer requests too. You are always welcome to comment about past blogs, or future blogs... if you can figure out that one. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and the New Year has been bright. 

With love always,
Optimistic Prime