Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Short Sabbatical...

So it's been a while. No I wasn't on a sabbatical, I'm just a habitual slacker. BUT God has been doing some cool stuff and teaching me a lot and since I have a soap box... I'm going to tell whoever stops by to listen. As with the theme of the rest of my life God has been doing a lot of work with me in the areas of patients and love. I've been reading a book (and you should too because it's been amazing) called Mere Christianity. If you haven't read it you should. It's by C.S. Lewis who also wrote the Chronicles of Narnia. He was an atheist who became a Christian. But this book has been both challenging and eye opening to me.

First things first. One of the biggest things that has hit me in the book in my need to stop focusing on the wrong things. My focus has been on myself, on people around me, on school, work, etc... All of these things are bad things to be looking at, but they won't change my life. It hit me reading last week that the only thing I can do is focus on Christ. EVERY part of me should be focusing on Him. His glory, His love, His faithfulness. All else flows from that. My ability to love other and serve others flows from that. My desire and passion flows from that. Even things like my stress over getting a job and having an ability to live will be satisfied and flow from my focus on Christ. It's such a freeing feeling to know that if I simply focus on Christ and make Him my sole number 1 desire and focus, that life will flow from that. This doesn't mean that I won't have struggles or pain or anything like that. It simply means that He will supply 100% of what I need. And when I do that, He will be 100% glorified. When I can push myself aside and everything else away from the forefront of my vision, God provides the rest and is glorified. 

From that I realized that I have to stop being so worried about my future. I've been so impatient with God on getting me a job. (Side note for what I'm about to write, I live about 2 1/2 from my girlfriend) On wanting to live closer to my girlfriend because long distance just stinks. But then I realized I was focusing on myself. If I am patient, focus on Christ, all that will flow from it. He will provide exactly what I need and exactly when I need it and all this is building who I am so that I can serve Him. It's NOT about ME. PERIOD! How freeing and liberating is that? I love my Creator who has giving me everything I need to serve Him. What a absolute glorious God and speechless feeling. 

How great is God :D. As always if you ever have any questions or want to tell me something or simply want to vent, you are always welcome to do one of two things. You can leave a comment on here and I will respond. The second thing you can do is to email me at I would love to hear from you and will do my best to respond to whatever or be an ear to listen.

Ok now I want some feedback... hopefully... if people actually read this. Anyhow. As you can tell I'm bad at this whole spontaneously writing and it tends to come and go a little. So I was thinking about doing like a weekly or biweekly blog instead of whenever I decide to. Just a thought and wanted some feedback, for real this time. 

With love,

1 comment:

  1. Do it! Do it! Do it! Even if I don't usually respond I do read your posts. Keep speakin the truth bro!
