Monday, October 21, 2013


So, a few weeks ago my Pastor preached on John 4. The passage is the story of the woman at the well. It's a great story and Pastor Steve did a great job with it. However, there was part of the passage that stood out that wasn't part of the message.

Essentially, when the disciples return to Jesus, they ask Him if he would like anything to eat. He responds with, essentially, He has food they don't know about. He is, however, referring to the reason God sent him. The passage that struck me was John 4:34:

"Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work."

His priority list is what struck me. 1) Gods work 2) the rest. His priority, above anything else, was to do the will of God who sent Him. 

All to often my priorities are 1) Coffee 2) work 3) Xbox 4) sports 5) God... How sad. Jesus shows us through this, that our number one priority is God. Above even food, God is number one. Yet, if I have free time, I'd rather play Xbox instead of spending time with God. It just struck me how intimate my relationship with God would be if I simply spent my free time seeking Him and prioritize Him above all else. 

This started me thinking about where my prioritize are and where my identities are. If you have read some my previous posts, you know I have talked about the need to find our identity in God. I just began to think about the things in my life I put in priority. Work, for example, is a priority. Yes it is a necessary evil at the time. Maybe some day I'll be able to be in full time ministry, but not the point. As I recently talked with a group about, it can also be a way of getting things and acquiring more stuff. It becomes a priority for me. Even in work, my priority should be God, and not to get more stuff. My money should be spent with honoring God in mind. I pray, read my Bible (not as often as I should), go to church, but how often do I think of God before even the basic necessities. If we seek Him, won't He provide those anyhow?

I know a close friend who took a vow of poverty. I thought about how bizarre that seems and couldn't understand why. Looking at it now, I can understand. It adjusts our priorities. It takes a HUGE issue of stuff, and makes it a non issue. Just makes me wonder what other things we/I could give up? What are things we put in front of a God that we don't need at all? I. Don't have the answers, but I'm pretty sur God's willing to help me figure it out. Just think if we out God and His desire infront of our own. Would we drive past the stranded car beside the road because we have to get somewhere? Would we pass up the opportunity to build relationships, discipleing opportunities, or opportunities to share God because we are to busy with work? What would happen to God's kingdom?

Well that's all I got. I hope you think about the priorities you have in life. What small decisions can you make to start to reprioritize? Remember that we can't change instantly, we have to take small steps. And when you fail, get up and try again.

As always, please share this on social media or however way you want. Even if you want to print it out and snail mail it. My hope is that God will be glorified and someone's heart will be changed or softened. Email me at with questions, comments, concerns, or prayer requests. You are also welcome to post comments on this page. 

I already love you,

Optimistic Prime